Letter from the President
Dear ESCD valued member,
In these difficult and unpredictable times, when all that seemed normal isn’t anymore, we go back to the basics and search for refuge, protection, and certitude. In doing so, we realize there is no better place to find them than our families.
During its existence, #ESCD succeeded because of one and very important reason: we are a family-like society. I am proud to say that we can find this feeling whenever or wherever we go. Having ESCD members spread throughout the world facilitates a strong support system, assuring us even when we are far from home. This socialization aspect of our meetings has become as important as the scientific event.
Now is a moment when I assure you, as President, that the ESCD family is here for you. We will soon announce a schedule of online study clubs where you can participate, both for the scientific benefit and for the normalcy that socialization between ESCD friends brings.
We’ve decided to postpone our annual meeting in Prague, however, if the situation permits, we’ll find a convenient way for us to meet as a family. I hope this will send the most important message we can: after every storm the sun is always shining.
For the sake of our more vulnerable friends and family members, as well as for supporting our national medical systems, please stay home as much as possible and treat only true dental emergencies. On this link, you will find a comprehensive document (credit to our Luxemburg CC Violeta Claus) with important information regarding dental activity and local support in each country ESCD represents.
SEE DOCUMENT: https://escdonline.eu/docs/ESCD_COVID_19_4_07.xlsx
For those of you who celebrate these weeks, I wish you Happy Holidays!
Dr. Florin Lăzărescu
President – European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry