Esthetic “Truffles”- The Gold Standard in 2013 Oct 3-5, 2013, Turin Download PROGRAM in PDF The Best Cosmetic Dentistry In…
More than 80 participants attended the conference «Dental Storm» October 19-20th in Kiev. The organiser was education dental center «Dental Space» with support of the Educational Club of the ESCD in Ukraine.
The first meeting of the ESCD Study Club Macedonia was held in Skopje few days ago. Our lecturers presented popular…
Due to pandemic situation we are still forced to organize Study Clubs in online format. The ESCD Study Club Macedonia…
ESCD Study Club Italy invites all ESCD members and dentists passionate about cosmetic dentistry to join its first study club…
ESCD Study Club Greece has hold its first meeting on April 13, 2019 in Thessaloniki. The main topic was Digital Implantology.
We are announcing our next ESCD Study Club Bosnia Herzegovina, that would be held on Feb 01, 2019! Looking forward…
Dear colleagues and friends, we invite you to ESCD Study Club Germany’s meeting that would be held on July 14,…
Our first on-site ESCD Study Club will be held in Romania – Saturday, 27th March! After long time ESCD members and other dental professionals interested in esthetic dentistry would MEET ON-SITE, in Cluj and we are so excited about it!
We invite you to join our next ESCD Italy Study Club event, we’ve named VERTICAL DAY.The idea is to create a cultural update day for all of you interested in the subject of vertical preparations. March 28th, 2020! Save the date!
“Aesthetic and much more” was the theme of the ESCD Study Club Germany, which took place on July 14, 2018…
The next ESCD Study Club Serbia is in preparation. Due to COVID-19 outbreak situation the event will not be organized…
The second online ESCD Study Club Germany was successfully run on Sep 11th! Thanks to all participants and especially to the speakers for the wonderful presentations!
The 18th International Dental Spaghetti Congress took place on April 12 and 13, in collaboration with ESCD Study Club Poland.
Once again we made a huge success with our ESCD Study Club Italy meeting. Many thanks to Southern Implants for great collaboration and support.
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