ESCD Study Club Italy invites all ESCD members and dentists passionate about cosmetic dentistry to join its first study club…
We’re happy to announce the next Study Club that would be organized by Croatian ESCD branch! ESCD members can join…
Dear friends and colleagues, with great joy and pleasure we’re announcing our Study club organized by the Italian ESCD branch…
On May 25-26, we hold two-part microscopic preparatory exercises – with artificial Dr. Ágomb Gombos at the ESCD-Smylist® study club…
Dear colleagues, we invite you to ESCD Study Club Serbia’s 3rd meeting that will be held at Hilton Belgrade Hotel…
We proudly announce the first ESCD Study Club in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be held in Sarajevo on 3rd February,…
ESCD & Planmeca are pleased to invite you Nordic Institute of Dental Education (NIDE) Advanced Courses, to be held in…