Dr. Kleanthis Manolakis, ESCD Country Chairman Greece
Dr. Kleanthis Manolakis, DDS, PhD, ESCD Country Chairman Greece: “I’m looking forward to see you during #ESCD 14th Annual Meeting in Zagreb!”
This is me in 3-4 words:
I would say I am very optimistic and a dedicated team player; always enjoy interacting with a skilled team.
Taking challenges is also exciting for me; i am definitely not the routine type of person.
What do you like? Which is your passion?
I think the motto that represents me best, both in professional and in personal matters, is: love what u do, do what u love.
Also, the following proverb contains a very powerful message:
A person working with his hands: a worker
A person working with his hands and brain: a craftsman
A person working with his hands and brain and heart: an artist
In this sense I try to be an artist every day.
What is your dream? How did you become a dentist?
In my opinion clinical dentistry and especially aesthetic dentistry is an underestimated profession. We, dentists can and should have a massive impact at peoples’ lives through our professional and skilled diagnostic and therapeutic actions. Just imagine how many persons are afraid of visiting a dentist because of anxiety & fear. My dream is to serve my patients providing optimal clinical outcomes in a painless and comfortable way!
How did you find out about the ESCD and how did you become part of the organization?
I was aware of the fact that an international society of skilled and passionate dental professionals was active in Europe.
A few years ago I was encouraged by my colleague and good friend Dr. Ristic from Belgrade to attend one of the annual meetings of ESCD. There I met several young and older very experienced colleagues, driven by the passion for quality dentistry. Everybody was so friendly and open, a wonderful environment! I felt welcomed. I serve as country chairman for Greece since last year and wish to promote ESCD in Greece.
What’s the most spectacular case you’ve ever had?
Being part of ESCD and sharing ideas and clinical concepts with talented colleagues from all parts of the world and thus with different backgrounds is a blast! I wanted to share some interesting cases with you. Every major case represents a new challenge!
Upper anterior veneers
Extensive destruction of enamel and dentin in the upper anterior dentition is displayed in this case.
Periodontium is healthy. Upper incisors and canines are restored with Emax veneers, thus reestablishing her missing dental harmony.
If you were to be anywhere in the world, where would you like to be now?
The truth is being part of ESCD I can be simultaneously in many different parts of the world – sharing visions and perspectives with so many colleagues. This is truly a very international scientific and clinical body of kind and openminded professionals.
When did you cry the last time? Why?
Wounded teeth tell so many stories; it hurts every time i am forced to extract teeth because they were treated in an inappropriate and disrespectful way.