Esthetic Objectives: Achievements and Potentials,
Sep 25-17, 2009, Paris
By ESCD Editor Past ESCD Meetings
Esthetic Excellence: Fusion of Art and Science,
Sep 18-21, 2005, Florence
By ESCD Editor Past ESCD Meetings
New challenges in update dentistry,
Sep 21-23, 2007, Vienna
By ESCD Editor Past ESCD Meetings
No dentistry is possible but Esthetic Dentistry,
Sep 28- Oct 1, 2006, Copenhagen
By ESCD Editor Past ESCD Meetings
Art and Science in Aesthetic Dentistry,
Sep 29- Oct 01, 2005, Berlin
By ESCD Editor Past ESCD Meetings
Impact on Esthetics,
Feb 27-29, 2004, Barcelona
By ESCD Editor Uncategorized
Dear friends and colleagues, with great joy and pleasure we’re announcing our Study club organized by the Italian ESCD branch…
By ESCD Editor Uncategorized
Dear friends and colleagues, the ESCD Study Club Poland is pleased to announce it’s first Study Club meeting that will…