Esthetic Conections – the ESCD #16 Annual Meeting is over! It was a huge huge success for all of us – speakers, delegates, organisation board. Thank you all for many memorable moments! This was an amazing event! Join us for our next gathering in Prague, 1-3 Oct 2020. Save the Date!
Take a look at some of the best moments of congress Day 2 in our Photo Gallery. For live update pls. follow ESCD Facebook Page.
#16 ESCD Annual Meeting has just begun! Dentists from all over the world gathered today in beautiful St. Petersburg for 3 days of best dental education on cosmetic dentistry!
ESCD Congress program includes 2 main parallel sessions, 5 parallel hands-on sessions, more than 35 exhibitors and a video live streaming studio. The most important names in the dentistry field are invited to this great event, top speakers with topics in esthetic dentistry, implantology, periodontics, prosthodontics & CAD/CAM technology.
Join European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry #16 Meeting! Early Bird offer is ending on June 15th! Register online on…
Have you registered for the 16th ESCD meeting? Then you can join ESCD dental photo contest 2019! • Send us 3…
We’ve got a news for you! Online Registration for #16 ESCD Annual Meeting is now open! Take advantage of our Early Bird Offer by 15-06-2019! Join ESCD! See you in St. Petersburg!
The moment for celebration arrived for ESCD in Lisbon during it s most important congress ever organised. More than 650…
How is your #vacation? Where are you, and how far is #Lisbon? You still have some time to arrive till September:))…